線上視訊系統(Introduction to online meeting software)

There is so much online meeting software that we can find online, some software can be applied to your smartphone. To apply online meeting software on your smartphone is a convenient way for you to join the business meeting or online learning.

  • Google Meet (G Suite Basic和教育版最多可以支援250個人同時上線;Maximum number of people is 250 for G Suite Basic and education version)

  • Co-life (同時上線人數無限制,但需要網路頻寬容量充足條件之下;Maximum number of people is unlimited with high internet quality)
  • Google Hangout (G Suite Basic最多可以支援10個人同時上線、G Suite 教育版25個人同時上線;Maximum number of people is 10 for G Suite Basic version, the maximum number of people is 25 for G Suite education version)
  • Zoom (免費版本最多可以支援10個人同時上線,每次最長40分鐘;Maximum number of people is 10 and the meeting duration is 40 min. for the free version),教育部免費版本(Tanet version) (最多可以支援300人同時上線,每次4小時;Maximum number of people is 300 and the meeting duration is 4 hours for the Tanet version)
  • Skype (免費版本最多可以支援50個人同時上線;Maximum number of people is 50 for the free version)
  • Line (免費版本最多可以支援ˋ200個人同時上線;Maximum number of people is 200 for the free version)
  • U會議/U meeting (免費版本最多可以支援25個人同時上線,每次最長30分鐘;Maximum number of people is 25 and the meeting duration is 30 min. for the free version),Pro的版本 (最多可以支援100人同時上線,每次24小時;Maximum number of people is 100 and the meeting duration is 24 hours for the Pro version)
  • Jitsi (同時上線人數無限制,但需要主機資源及主持人電腦網路頻寬容量充足條件之下;Maximum number of people is unlimited when adopting a powerful server and anchor's PC with high internet quality)
Last modified: Saturday, 12 September 2020, 6:25 AM